Toolkit & Video Now Available to Help Eductors, Families Talk About Test Results
“Do you know the early warning sign of children with special needs: Do you know a child who has special needs: Carnegie Public Schools meets the needs of these children through the Special Education Department. If you know of a child who may need help, contact Mr. Turney, Superintendent, at Carnegie Public Schools, or Connie Leitner, Special Education Director, at (580) 654-1470.”
Each year individuals steal federal education dollars or misuse them for their own personal use.
These vital funds provide educational opportunities that build the future of America.
Don’t let them get away with it!
Stop fraud, waste, and abuse of federal education dollars.
If you suspect waste, fraud or abuse, report it today.
Submit your complaint via the web at:
or via U.S. Postal mail at:
U.S. Department of Education
Office of Inspector General Hotline
400 Maryland Ave, S.W.
Washington, DC, 20202-1500
(Your report can be made anonymously)
For questions, please call 1-800-MISUSED (1-800-647-8733)*
*Operators do not accept reports over the phone
Do you know the early warning sign of children with special needs: Do you know a child who has special needs: Carnegie Public Schools meets the needs of these children through the Special Education Department. If you know of a child who may need help, contact Mr. Turney, Superintendent, At Carnegie Public Schools, or Connie Leitner, Special Education Director, at (580) 654-1470."
Current Condition: clear sky
Temperature: 40.21ËšF
Feels Like: 37.83ËšF
Wind Speeds: 3.71mph
Weather humidity: 64%
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